How do I start my own Prodigals group?
We would love to walk you through the process! Contact our ministry headquarters.
Is Prodigals meant for sex offenders?
Although the program was not designed for sex offenders, some men classified as low level sex offenders have found healing through the program. The program is not intended to satisfy the requirements of state and/or county mandated programs.
Is there a program for teens?
No, we don’t currently have a program for teens.
Is there a women’s program?
Yes. The women’s program, Partners in Process, is designed to support wives of men who struggle. It is not a program for female sex addicts. We do not have a program for female sex addicts.
How is Prodigals supported?
Prodigals is an independent ministry and a 501(c)(3) that relies on donors for support.
Is Prodigals affiliated with a church/denomination?
No. We are an independent, non-denominational ministry.
Where is Prodigals based?
Prodigals of Alaska is based in Anchorage, Alaska U.S.A.
What kinds of men attend Prodigals?
Men from all walks of life attend Homecoming. The typical man attending the group is married and has obsessive struggles with sexually explicit material and/or situations. These include (but are not limited too) pornography, physical and/or emotional affairs, Internet chat rooms, and fantasy/lust of another person without their knowledge. Many single/divorced men attend as well.
Does this replace counseling?
No. Typically sexual addicts that are in the early stages of recovery participate in the program and attend counseling simultaneously.
How much time will I need to commit to the program?
Men participating in the program typically devote 30-60 minutes per day to reading, homework and prayer.
How long does it take the typical man to complete the program?
The Prodigals program takes 9-12 months to complete. It is expected that once a man completes the program they will mentor new men coming into the program.
Are sexual addicts ever cured?
Like other types of addicts, some sexual addicts may never be “cured.” Sexual addicts achieve a state of recovery, but maintaining that recovery can be a lifelong, day-by-day process. The Twelve Step treatment approach teaches addicts to take their recovery “one day at a time” – concentrating on the present, not the future. Source: Dr. Patrick Carnes, www.SexHelp.com
What should I do if I’m struggling right now?
It would be easy to tell you to just stop. The reality is recovery from sexual addiction does not have a quick fix. God has the power to help you stop and admitting it publicly (but anonymously) might help. You might also look at the article Coming Clean: Breaking the Bonds of Internet Pornography.
How do I know if I have a problem?
We have two checklists that may indicate if you struggle with sexual addiction:
Sexual Addiction Checklist
Internet Addiction Checklist
What is sexual addiction?
Sexual addiction is, generally speaking - an infrastructure of routines, habits, and thought patterns that are destructive and yet I (if I'm a sex addict) compulsively and impulsively continue to think and act in destructive ways around sex.
The spectrum of sexual addiction can vary wildly in how the addiction manifests. Behaviors include but are not limited to - masturbation, viewing of pornography, inappropriate conversations, inappropriate physical & sexual contact, and voyeurism.
Where do I find a group?
Prodigals of Alaska groups can be found in various locations in Anchorage. There is also a group that meets in Wasilla.
What makes Prodigals different from other Sexual Addiction ministries?
The key difference is stringent accountability through mentorship. Many men are unwilling to submit to the intensity of the program because it is uncomfortable. This article details our program philosophy and how we are different:
Christ-Centered and Biblically Based
12 Step Program
Led By Recovering People
Highly-Structured and Intensive
Accountability: Mentor centered
Support for Local Ministries
What is Homecoming?
Prodigals of Alaska men’s program which offers local recovery groups and mentorship for men desiring their own sexual sobriety. Weekly meetings are run independently of Prodigals ministry.
What is Prodigals International?
Prodigals is a Christian ministry dedicated to helping men, women and families overcome sexual addiction. Our proven 12-step program provides resources and support for the man who is struggling, the wife who is hurting, and the pastor or counselor who wants to help.